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I also used to masturbate 3 to 4 times a day. It's a fairly common addiction, Porn wasn't the reason, I mostly masturbated using only my imagination because by the time my internet connection couldn't stream videos, it was either some images or my own thoughts. I'm sharing this @shikamaru317 because you look ashamed about your compulsion and I don't think you should be ashamed, it's nice you overcome your addition though

The point is some people are addicted to fast food and sweets, but we don't ban junk good because of addiction, we instead try to prevent compulsion.

Talking about myself I don't have an active sex life but unfortunately I'm a very sexual person. I don't really feel any motivation to look for casual dates or to find hook ups to satisfy my urges, so I masturbate. I already realized if I stay more than 3 or 4 days without reliefing myself I start to get aroused over random and non sexual things, so better to just jerk off and stop myself from any embarrassing situation

Moreover, I'm sure I will need to masturbate regularly even after I start to date or even marry as I don't expect my partner to be a robot to fulfill all of my sexual urges. As such I will need to look for something to estimulate myself and I never liked porn, not because I dislike see hot people fucking, I actually enjoy it more than I like to admit, but because I have some idea about how dreadful the conditions behind those scenes can possibly be. Free creators are an elegant solution for me, maybe it's not everyone couple of tea, but serve its purpose