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One of the more lighthearted stores to emerge early from the Olympic festivities concerns the accommodations for the athletes in the Olympic Village. Apparently the beds that they are sleeping on are made of cardboard. Many have speculated that this was done on purpose as a way to deter the athletes from having sex on the beds, as the weight of 2 people bouncing up and down should break the cardboard frame.

The Olympic Village usually has a reputation for a lot of sexual hookups between athletes which is why the organizer provides many condoms.

Some athletes have debunked the rumor already, claiming that the cardboard beds are pretty darn sturdy. Maybe some have already had a chance to test it out XD.

In any case, I think that providing cardboard beds is a pretty bad look for Tokyo. Even if they are based on advanced techniques and are sturdier than they appear it still feels like a cheap way to accommodate some of the most accomplished athletes in the world. It might be good technology for future disaster responses or providing bed for displaced people if the beds are cost-effective enough though.

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