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tsogud said:
burninmylight said:

If Nintendo followed your logic, we would still be waiting on Ocarina of Time. A game that has bugs and performance issues in some areas, by the way.

If you want every game to be perfectly optimized and to run completely frame-drop free and to never do things like lower resolution, pop in assets, load textures late, or screen tear, all with decent load times, then we'd still be waiting on every game that isn't 2-D and sprite based.

And no one is forcing you to play Switch games. Because you have a tingle in your loins for mid-gen consoles that might run some games better, force devs to spend more time optimizing for more hardware profiles, and potentially fracture the market with exclusives, not to mention possibly give the base console version the short end of the stick, there are two consoles out there for you: the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X. There's also this cool gaming device called a personal computer that I imagine would be up your alley. You'd love the modding community. Just because you can't accept that other console publishers do what Nintendon't, doesn't meant it's fair to expect Nintendo to do it too. If you don't like it, fine, don't play Switch games.

First off don't talk about my genitals, funny you'd use that expression to a trans person 🙄

Secondly that's not "my logic" and what I was saying at all. If a developer can't get their games to run at a stable performance from the jump from the hardware THEY MADE. Either they're a shitty developer or their hardware is too weak to fully realize the games they want to make. I don't think Nintendo is a shitty developer, I just think their hardware is too lacking to continue on as is and it's effecting the enjoyment of their games.

I honestly don't like mid-gen upgrades all that much because most of the time I feel it's just a pointless cashgrab, like with the Pro/ One X because they were already very powerful, capable machines for that gen. But I believe it isn't pointless if a mid-gen upgrade serves a vital purpose that software updates and optimization can't fix. I have an Xbox Series S for my next gen fix atm, I don't need the Switch to be a powerhouse (and frankly idc if consoles are "super powerful") but you can't ignore the reality of the situation just because you'd fear being left out.

All I'm saying is more options for those who want it is good both for Nintendo fans and for those that are on the fence about it's future.

No mid-gen upgrade to date has fractured their userbase with exclusives, so your irrational fear of that happening holds no water. And I'll include New 3ds in that bunch even though it wasn't much of a leap in power to the OG model comparatively to other mid-gen upgrades to their OG models.

Just because I'm a Nintendo fan and I like their games doesn't mean I'm going to like or agree with everything they do, especially if it's interfering with my enjoyment of said games. They're not above criticism and I can choose to continue to play their games and still criticize their lack of stable performances and voice my opinion of wanting their games to be more stable and how I think they can easily accomplish that if they can't do it on the software side.

The term "loins" isn't gender specific, so whatever you have in your pants isn't relevant here. Please keep them there. That's the second word that you don't seem to know the definition for, the first being "optimized."

You think the Switch is lacking because a few otherwise very playable games don't run perfectly smooth. Good for you. Deal with it and wait for Switch 2, then complain about how that can't keep up with the next generation of games in a few years.

I'm as big a Nintendo fan as anyone here, and I don't like or agree with everything it does either. That doesn't mean that I think that their games are broken, buggy slops of code when they don't run as smooth as I'd like, and I can deal with less than perfect when the overall package is still pretty enjoyable. Link's Awakening DX is my favorite 2D Zelda, but the original GB and GBC sure as hell couldn't handle everything that game wanted to have on screen at times. Nintendo consoles not being able to keep up with their games is not some new phenomenon.

For someone who clearly prides themselves on being so opinionated, you sure do seem to have this burning desire to hunt down and convert anyone who doesn't think like you. Just except me for who I am already, please...