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Dulfite said:
mZuzek said:

How on earth was the GameCube not a huge leap.

Sure the pictures you use don't help the comparison, not in the least because of Wind Waker's stylized artstyle, also not because I'm pretty sure that is not how Ocarina of Time looks on an actual N64 (textures looking way too high-res there). But come on.

This came out in 2002, by the way. Earlier than Wind Waker. Not only does it look miles better than any game on the N64, it also runs at a stable smooth 60fps - three times more frames than most N64 games.

Sure, I could have found the best looking game for each system and then compared, but that would be difficult to compare as easily as the same series. Metroid Prime was amazing looking, but it isn't that much improved upon what the Metroid 64 prototype looked like, not like that prototype improved on Super Metroid. And Metroid Prime 2/3/Other M were not significant improvements over MP1, whereas MP4 will be a massive leap forward for those games because it skipped Wii U generation. If MP4 came out on Wii U and MP5 came out on Switch, most consumers (not hardcore tech obsessed people that are the vast minority) would be putting our glasses on to see the minor technical improvements from Wii U to Switch. Switch 2 and whatever games it has will be the next big Nintendo leap forward before another decade of stagnation.

The last N64 game I played (and by last, I meant latest to launch) was Conker's Bad Fur Day from Rare. The first GCN game I played was Star Fox Adventures a launch/launch window game.

Conker is considered the crown jewel of N64 wizardry, but SFA makes it look like a flushed toilet of turds in a slideshow.

Another Rare game, Perfect Dark, is also considered a graphical high water mark for the N64, although it was often a 5 FPS slideshow. You can't honestly tell me you think that the system that brought you Metroid Prime isn't a huge leap over this:

I think anyone will absolutely give you GCN-to-Wii and Wii U-to-Switch, but the rest... c'mon man...