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ZyroXZ2 said:

If someone already said this, I apologize for not reading all 20 pages, but I recently tweeted this and wanted to say it here, too:

Wait, are Nintendo apologists proud of NOT expecting a more powerful Switch? Is your bar set so low that you expect virtually nothing and think that's a WIN?!

Nintendo apologist here, and I've been wanting the Pro to be false this whole time. Wanna know why? Because I want Switch 2, that's why, and if the Pro comes out it will only delay the Switch 2 coming out even further. I want Switch 2 March 2023, exactly 6 years after Switch 1 came out March 2017, and the only way they are going to do that is if enough developers are sick of developing for older hardware and if enough consumers have reached their point of wanting some massive leap forward. Neither of those situations will happen by 2023 if they release a Pro in 2021. In fact, I'd imagine if they released a Pro right now that Switch 2 wouldn't come out until earliest 2024, and probably 2025, and that would suck. I don't want some pitiful minor bump upgrade that the Pro would be, I want the full glory that is the Switch 2. Pro would have a fraction of the stuff that Switch 2 would have, and there are multiple reasons for that:

-It would come out 2 years prior to Switch 2 (if history repeats itself looking at previous mid gen upgrades and their successors), making its hardware considerably weaker compared to Switch 2, so for 2 years basically (sometimes 1.5 years based on history) they would have some games made to take advantage of it, then move on to develop for Switch 2. That isn't a lot of time to develop many games on weaker hardware, making it not worth it to them.

-Nintendo isn't going to pump a bunch of R&D into making the Pro a super beefy device knowing that it would only appeal to probably 20 million buyers max. Casuals won't buy it, most current Switch owners won't buy it, and people that want a second device for a family member will probably stick with OG Switch or LITE as they would be a lot cheaper than a hypothetical $400+ Pro model.

Nintendo knows their consumers and they know how to make maximum profits out of each situation. They will let Switch continue to sell great, then well, then decently, then not so much, and then when it starts to really go downhill come out with a massive upgrade (Switch 2). Why do so many people want a silly Pro model knowing full well it will delay the coming of Switch 2, which will make the Switch Pro look like an absolute joke? And why, you may ask, do I think it will make it look like a joke? Let's look at Zelda through the years:


SNES (not a huge leap)

N64 (huge leap)

GameCube (not a huge leap)

Wii (not a huge leap)

Wii U (huge leap forward)

Switch (not a huge leap)

Obviously Botw was held back by needing to work on GameCube as well, so we won't know this engines true potential until Botw 2 comes out, so I'll include Link's Awakening remake as well:

You can do this with Metroid, Mario, really any main series. Nintendo typically makes a console, then a slightly stronger one, sometimes even two slightly stronger ones in a row, before going for a huge upgrade. The Switch is basically a Wii U beefed up and shrunk down, so based on their history I expect Switch 2 to be a pretty massive leap forward (much more than a Switch Pro would be).

Last edited by Dulfite - on 08 July 2021