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Chrkeller said:

There isn't a monopoly in gaming 


So we are talking about a supposed force of customers defining prices of products when we only have THREE manufacturers, two of them selling a product for the same prices (MS, Sony) and another one selling another product for lower price but that offer a completely different value proposition 

I think you really misunderstood the concept of supply and demand laws. Prices don't go up in this market because supply is short, they never go, at least not in my memory. They indeed barely need to, as their production costs generally goes down as times goes by, but that's another topic I guess 

The point is, we don't see a significant shift in prices regardless of demand or the lack of it. Compare this with prices for smartphones, launch price is always overpriced and then the prices slowly goes down. That's because smartphone market is far far more competitive, with too much options, models and companies willing to bite a piece of the lionshare 

Console market is hardly the same. We have too few competition, your proposition of gamers going exclusively retro if they want to play games is quite amusing. If we ignore you are trapped trapped play only older and already released games forever. You are also ignoring some companies even fucking clos their digital stores from old systems and find physical copies of some older games can easily turn out to be a nightmare 

You should at least postulate with a more realistic option: If you hate consoles, you can go on PC

That's a much more realistic possibility and indeed it happens although it  assume the consumers are a bit more well versed in components and specs. That's why I think Sony and MS become more lax with their software prices policy but again that's another topic