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Chrkeller said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Consumers didactic the prices are a lie, or at least a half truth that exists mostly on theoretical level because we all assume all markers are free and competitive 

In the end companies have much more power defining their prices than consumers. We are talking about a oligopoly market with only 3 main console manufacturers, so you either buy one or stop gaming on consoles. 

This indeed goes both aways. With current PS5 demand Sony could very much sell it for 800 USD and I'm sure it would still be sold out because the demand for PS5 is humongous. They won't do it, because they don't want to sell the image PS5 is a too expensive machine so once demands for PS5 start to dry out customers will not see Sony is such good eyes and could purposefully starting to avoid the brand 

In other hand, I'm on the ship Nintendo don't want Switch to be see as "too cheap". OLED could easily be 300 USD and standard and Lite be lowered in price, but they want to keep perception OLED version is a premium version, even if it's not really "that" premium. It's like those digital platinum editions for digital games that barely comes with new content, but are sold like 20-30 USD more expensive because they want buyers to believe they are premium 

Consumers could also buy used or go exclusively retro.  Gaming is a 'want' not a 'need.'  So consumers absolutely dictate prices.  Look at ps5 scalping.  Is the ps5 worth $1,000???  For many the answer is 'yes.'  If consumers didn't dictate price scalping wouldn't exist.  

So you just proved it, it's companies who defines prices not customers. Sony is not selling PS5 for 1k USD even if scalpers are selling it for 1k. If you are short minded, they are actually losing money for not selling overpriced hardware which they totally could in current context

Indeed retailers are legally blocked to sell it for the prices they want to, they need to keep hardware prices in line to whatever manufacturers want to. So where is the free market ? Where are the market laws? 

Edit: Indeed, stretching a bit further, scalper grey market is indeed a perfectly free and competitive retail market, barely outlaw of course. There you can see the sellers defining the prices from offer and demand principles lol 

I don't understand how people keep repeating this such economic bogus. Customers could only possible didactic the prices if competition was perfect, this market is already a shared monopoly, there is no remote possibility for economic equilibrium. 

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 07 July 2021