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V-r0cK said:

Final Fantasy I was my first. I found it difficult since I was kid but that's what got me started and hooked.

Final Fantasy 9 is my all time favorite FF. I loved the PS1 co-op feature and upset that it never got put on the remaster.

I might be the black sheep here but I really enjoyed FFXV. Noctis is my favorite FF character; his background, style, and to summon a bunch of swords out of the blue is pretty bad@$$.

I really wish Tetsuya Nomura stayed on the project as I feel it would've been different and better overall, and better executed, since the current FFXV game we have now the main story and DLC are all over the place. I know it will never happen but I'd love it if Nomura could released his version of the game whether as FF Versus XV? or even as a book? ...We got the Snyder Cut for Justice League so why not this lol

I agree, Noctis is actually quite well designed and his fighting style is absolutely unique and supercool.