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I'm gonna list my favorite moments from the main games that I have played. There are sooooooo many epic and emotional moments to chose from so it was very hard sometimes.


Finding the airship! And realizing the amount of freedom it gives you.


Getting swallowed by the Leviathan and making your way through its intestines. So gross yet so awesome.


Being shot from the sky above Saronia and landing between two rivaling armies in the middle of war. This came out of nowhere to me and took me by surprise.


Unknowingly destroying a peaceful village due to blindly following orders by a king gone mad and killing most of the inhabitants. This felt so disgustingly wrong to me and set a very dark tone to the story while being one of the very first events in the entire game.


The battle to the death between Galuf and Exdeath. Galuf is the first main character to die in the series, long before Aerith. He is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will. A true hero with balls of steel that deserves the highest honours.


Kefka going nuts and killing a lot of Espers that have escaped through the sealed gate, as well as killing General Leo in a disgustingly humiliating manner. That was the moment when I started to hate him.


When you are arrested in the Shinra HQ. In the middle of the night you wake up and see that trail of blood on the floor, as if somebody with serious injuries had been dragged over the entire floor, accompanied by that terrifying scary music. I had cold shivers running down my back! WTF happened here?


The clash of the Gardens was epic and got my blood pumping!


Alexander versus Bahamut. It can't get any more epic than that!


I will always remember finding and battling Cúchulainn in the Garamseyth Waterways. This was intensity on max! The fight with him is furiously tough because I wasn't prepared at all against his nasty tricks and I saw myself steadily running out of healing items, but in the last moment I still managed to beat the fucker. Had to take short break and catch my breath again after that.



Making your way through Palumpolum as Lightning and Hope when suddenly you get surrounded by an overwhelming army of PSIKOM soldiers, but then Snow and Fang arrive to save you. For the next sections Hope gets teamed up with Snow and he hates Snow so much because Snow is responsible for the death of Hopes mother, so he wants to take revenge on Snow. Hope even has to listen to Snows constant bragging how he's going to save them all and how he thinks he's the big hero, which of course fuels Hope's hatered even further while Snow has no clue at all. I love the setup of this conflict and how it escalates. Hope even has a knife ready and is mere seconds away from stabbing Snow in the back.

In that same sense, the conflict between Vanille and Sazh is also really deep and I felt sorry for poor Sazh so much.