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curl-6 said:
eva01beserk said:

I dont know about that. Demons soul, godfall, ratchet and clank, returnal and that car game I dont remember the name off, have them beat in numbers alone and the year is not done. Not to mention this gen also received a lot better critical reception. 

Demon's Souls isn't an exclusive as it's on PS3, and if we're gonna include Returnal then we should include Resogun on PS4, so 8th gen's first year is still comfortably more impressive in my view.

Demon souls is an exclusive, as it's remade from the ground up and not just a remaster. So visually , performance wise, it is a true next gen exclusive. That along with spiderman, ratchet, returnal, overall puts it ahead of ps4. I found ps4's first year to be lackluster to be honest. Killzone wasn't as good as part2/3, and infamous was was good but not as great as the first 2 games.