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Shiken said

GT7 being delayed so far despite being announced less than a year from the delay kind of proves my point.  You are only highlighting how obvious it should have been that it was no where near being ready for the window Sony implied.  Same applies to God of War, the game was revealed less than a year before being delayed.  They knew it would not be ready, but gave it the 2021 window to drive hype for the PS5 launch.  This also coincides with the fact that gen 8 versions for these games were also withheld and later revealed at the same time as the "delay" became official.

Halo is another story, and kind of a bad example.  They actually had gameplay footage to reveal, but due to fan backlash at how it looked it was delayed at least a year to deliver a better project.  This was also done BEFORE the Series X was announced, where as Sony waited half a year after the release of the PS5 to confirm their "delays".

These are not games that were announced years ago and got pushed back for polish.  These are games that were announced right before the PS5 launched under the impression that they were PS5 exclusive, with a release window of a year or less from the launch of the PS5, with no gameplay footage what so ever, and then conveniently delayed six months after the PS5 launched while also having PS4 versions.  The problem is not how close they were to launch, don't get it twisted.  The problem is how close they were revealed compared to the launch window, yet still delayed into the next year at best.  There are more factors going into this than "delays happen".

If you honestly believe Sony did not know that 2021 was a pipe dream for GT7 and GoW:R, then I don't know what else to tell you.  In any case, your previous post helped highlight what I was getting at, so thanks for that.

let us not forget GT7 also got gameplay reveal last summer the same time Halo got its gameplay reveal. Also Halo is not a bad example, its exactly what happens internally when games get delayed. People see it and say this isn't good enough, MS probably didn't do this initially because the pressure to have a strong launch title.

Pretty much everyone and their dog could have anticipated GT7 being delayed, but this is more to do with the history of the developer than it is to do with the PS5 reveal. GT Sport was delayed by about a year and there was no new console to blame that on. Delays happen at such common frequencies that it is just one of those things. Almost all sonys major exclusives were delayed last generation by about 6months and I hope they learn and the take the approach they're takling with Horizon where they're up front that its just a loose target and they're not willing to open up pre-orders etc. 

So aanticipating these delays is one thing, but:

1) Insisting the teams knew they could never meet their deadline if they're now delaying a summer 2021, into a 2022 is a different thing and does not reflect the reality of development. 6-12months is often not the difference between having a game or not having no game, its the difference between the polish you typically see with major 1st party exclusives versus buggy multiplatform titles that are rushed out a bit too quick (ala Assassins Creeds Valhalla). This delay period happens all the time. Watch Dog legions was delayed by 9months, Kena was delayed by 8 months, Arkham Knights has been delayed by a year, lets not even talk about Psychonauts 2 which was originally scheduled to come out in 2019 lol...

2) Insisting devs would automatically know the exact impact covid would have on release targets 12-18months in advance is also not a good take.

What I will agree on though, is that sony wouldn't have shown the God of War teaser if it wasn't for the PS5 showcase. Internally though, I do believe 2021 was a legit target, its a direct sequel versus a game built from scratch, so its going to have a shorter dev cycle. And again sources far more informed than us have suggested it was only delayed at the beginning of this year.

But we can agree to disagree on the matter and we're likely to see more of each game in the coming month.