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Cerebralbore101 said:

Yeah Zinogre has always been one of my hardest fights. He just moves so strangely. He has one attack where he jumps at you can lands on his back. That always gets me to think he's falling over, so I start to commit to a large attack animation. And then he nails me with it! Fighting a Zinogre is like fighting a drunken Kung Fu Master. Good luck predicting what he'll do next!

What I hate about Zinogre is how relentless he is, like he'll just hit you again and again and again never giving you time to breathe or get some licks of your own in, and his flip attack covers so much ground and hits super hard.

And if you hate him here, don't ever try him on MH 4 or 3 Ultimate, believe it or not they actually toned him down for Rise.