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High rank is less punishing than I expected, though I am definitely not complaining. Should finish up the rest of the 4 star tier tonight. 

I wonder whether the updates will just add 8 star and 9 star tiers of super hard endgame monsters, or some others as well.

Jpcc86 said:
curl-6 said:

It could still be coming this month, could be a "and you can  play it now/tomorrow" shadowdrop kinda deal.

As for your tiers, shame on you, how dare you put Bishaten and Anjanath in C class you monster.

Bishaten is very original and its sure is a fun fight, but its one of the easier monsters, hardly a challenge. So I cant really rank him too high. Maybe it does deserve to be in B tier just for the enjoyability. 

Fair enough, for me I don't mind if a monster's not too hard so long as it's fun to fight and a cool design.