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burninmylight said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

GBC had exclusives, DSi had exclusives, New 3ds had exclusives (not only Xenoblade, but also SNES classic and Fire Emblem Warriors, even Minecraft), Switch Pro will be the same, just like all the previous Ninterndo systems.

So there's this thing called reading comprehension...

The question was never whether previous Nintendo consoles had exclusives. I know damn well they have. I originally asked, quite sincerely, if the PS4P and X1X had exclusives. Somehow, you made it all about the 3DS. Somehow, you are still making it all about previous Nintendo consoles.

But since we're on the subject, fine. Thank you for proving my point for me.

GBC exclusives: awesome. There was no digital market back then, and games were far cheaper to make and produce on technology that was outdated when it debuted a decade prior. GTA2 being available on the GBC but not the regular GB isn't even close to making RDR2 exclusive to a Switch Pro but not Switch in terms of the the time, funds and manpower it would take to make it happen.

DSi exclusives: see above, but the main factor is that the DS didn't have an online shop, so it was impossible to put digital only games on the market for it. Power wasn't the main factor here. There were maybe half a dozen games released on a physical game card, and none of them were big, ambitious titles that absolutely could not have been done on the DS.

New 3DS: you don't know what an exclusive is, do you? Xenoblade isn't an exclusive, it's a port of a Wii game. SNES Classic is a mini console, not a game. And the SNES Virtual Console is not a 3DS exclusive We're talking 15-20 year old ROMS, not modern day big budget titles. How many N3DS exclusives were there that didn't come from Nintendo, besides any SNES ports? If you bothered to read the rest of the thread instead of trying to shitpost me, you'd see that this is what the discussion is about.

Wait, you forgot one...

N64 Expansion Pak exclusives: three first/second party games, all of which were sold with the Expansion Pak at launch to help customers out. Not a single third party game that used the Expansion Pak required it. Perfect Dark didn't even require it to run the game completely, you just couldn't play the Story Mode.

So as you can see, the further time goes on, the less third party publishers are willing to risk putting their games on a mid-gen refresh that fractures the player base. Not a single third party took a chance on an N64 game that required the Expansion Pak. The vast majority of the games in the DSi shop would have came to the DS if the DS had a digital storefront, but it didn't. All your N3DS examples save Fire Emblem Warriors are ports of old games, most of them being 15-20 years old ROM dumps, and the only ones that aren't came directly from Nintendo.

So what makes you think that third parties will suddenly start putting bigger, more costly, games that require more man hours and resources on a base-splitting stopgap console that is leaps and bounds beyond any Nintendo handheld before it?

Exclusive here mean something the original model didn't have.

GBC is 2 times stronger than GB, DSi is 2 times stronger than DS, New 3ds is 3 times stronger than 3DS, many games for those systems utilized the extra ram and extra cpu power to run. Want it or not, Switch Pro will be way stronger than Switch, and there will be at least 3-4 games (1st or 3rd party) that using the extra power of the pro, hence they won't be on Switch but will be on Switch pro.