LuccaCardoso1 said:
Well, the """"""outrage"""""" is only stemming from the president and his followers, and only because it comes from China; they're paranoid that China is trying to implant a microchip or something like that. You know, typical red scare conspiracy bullshit. I'm also pretty sure that the vaccines will be mandatory in São Paulo for those with no history of allergies to previous vaccines, so you'll probably not have much of a choice. The only way you'll skip it is for a time while the government struggles trying to buy syringes. I'll be the first to criticize Dória, governor of São Paulo, but at least he's doing something to try and save lives. Even if he's just doing it to try and get elected president in the next elections, at least he's doing something. Our genocidal sitting president is actively trying to prevent anyone from doing something against covid, in the name of hydroxychloroquine. ffs |
The Chinese vaccine's "fifty percent" claims apply to the whole spectrum. The vaccine actually affected symptomatic patients with little issue and eliminated the disease altogether, so if anything, it seems to simply make the patients asymptomatic instead of immune.
This may actually be the way to go: herd immunity could actually be achieved if the disease is allowed to propagate but is essentially devoid of teeth and cannot harm anyone.
I mean, it's certainly already better than the horror that is the Pfizer vaccine applications. They've made a circus out of those. Even then, best is what I like to call the "Brexit vaccine" that doesn't need freezing and works with one shot. Also, no big pharma involved.