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FTA: Steam itself was not accessed, but rather a Valve file server. Furthermore, the site explains that only the credit cards of Cyber Cafe subscribers were compromised. "The numbers in danger are all held by cybercafe owners, who have recurring subscriptions to their Steam games and have probably all long been informed," the posting reads. "Consumer data are only stored in enough detail to fight mass fraud, not make purchases, and weren't compromised anyway."

Update 2: "There has been no security breach of Steam," Valve director of marketing Doug Lombardi told 1UP. "The alleged hacker gained access to a third-party site that Valve uses to manage the commercial partners in its Cyber Cafe program. This Cyber Cafe billing system is not connected to Steam. We are working with law enforcement agencies on this matter, and encourage anyone with more information to e-mail us at"

No Steam owners ever were in danger, in case you're worried or something, your credit information has never been hacked.  If you were one of the people subscribed to their Cyber Cafe you would have been emailed and called about this early last year...I remember this news over a year ago, there's really nothing to worry about for Steam owners.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )