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Mnementh said:

Wasn't declared like 10 times that Sweden has hit herd immunity already? Doesn't seem to stay very long.

It's a complete farce; the Stockholm region is only now in November seeing the immunity counts that was claimed would be reached before May 1st. Almost every single aspect of the handling of the crisis has been shoddy, from pushing around the political responsibility, to lacking material and personnel, and into fumbling the reality of the pandemic totally by lifting a lot of restrictions only a couple of weeks before the second wave really hit.

This is symptomatic of the Swedish system in general, no one assumes responsibility or takes charge, which is dangerous when paired with the belief that one is exceptional and unique. To make matters worse and the parody complete; they do love to point fingers at others and assign blame wherever possible. When trouble does arrive, it becomes a shouting match focusing on the shouting and what's allowed to shout and not, rather than the issues themselves. This is the same whether it's the handling of the pandemic, the terrible response and utter lack of preparation around the massive forest fires, the issues with organized crime being perpetrated by younger and younger kids, the lacking school results or the failure to implement any cohesive integration policy for newly arrived immigrants or refugees.

By the way, if you're wondering what the official explanation for having vastly more deaths than their neighboring countries is, it varies between "the numbers are misleading", "it's hit us differently than anyone else", "look at -insert micro state with insanely dense population per sq. kilometer- in comparison to us", "look at -insert country that handled it really terribly, is totalitarian or just plain dysfunctional from top to bottom- in comparison to us", "it's too soon to tell", "yes, but look at how their economy is being destroyed and the terrible suffering brought about by restrictions", "we can't do those things, it's against the constitution".