Lol I had to depart this thread the minute I saw people calling DF bias... they literally give the most detailed breakdown and contextualise the result when they think it's something that will be/can be fixed with a patch. Happened with DMC5 too. The only bias here is some of you desperately wanting for them to come and shit on the hardware of the system you don't support. The only concern I had was them potentially spending a bit too much time singing the praises of VRR, a feature 99% of gamers and 4k tvs being sold can't utilise but they did acknowledge that studios cannot rely on it. I'm not buying another TV just to get VRR, so for me it's a next-next gen feature (PS6/Xbox Series 6 & 7)
But anyway glad the Devs have an update ready to go live, no reason for the Series X version to be running Car LODs at the last gen level. The bug that's causing PS5 to clamp colours is actually making it look better lol, although maybe you miss out on info when you're actually viewing in HDR