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I feel like this wouldn't be as big of a deal had Microsoft not counted their chickens before they hatched with "The World's Most Powerful Console" Marketing nonsense that was repeated ad-nausea for months. Was all that really necessary especially when the gap really wasn't anything worth bragging about (that is, smallest ever in history based on tflops)?

We also had a lot of FUD spread about the PS5, some of which by Microsoft-focused journalists, claiming all sorts of wild rumors about things running hot (false), running mostly at 9.0 TFlops (false), and being RDNA 1.0 (false).

The lead-up to next-gen has been filled with so much unnecessary and frankly ridiculous, speculative drama. To see the tables turned is very interesting, but the reasonable minds won out here -- any console that is within spitting distance of another on TFLops is likely going to have OTHER ASPECTS of these customized designs/APIs determine which one wins out in certain cases overall.

At the end of the day we should just be happy that the console performance is closer than it's ever been, despite some different design choices by both companies. However, it is a pretty big win in Sony's favor that they can deliver this kind of leading performance at a cheaper price once again ( PS5 DE), and it really makes the XSS seem like a terrible value and you really question whether it was really a bright idea to bring that to market. Time will tell.