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SvennoJ said:
curl-6 said:

There have been instances of reinfection yes, but given how few they are in relation to the tens of millions of people who've contracted COVID, it's still quite probable that immunity applies in the vast majority of cases, otherwise surely we'd be seeing far more reinfections in places where the virus is rampant. But yes, time will tell.

I still maintain it is far too early to give up on immunization when we have dozens of vaccines in trials, using a wide variety of different methods, several of which have shown promising early data. 

Oh sure, immunization will need to happen to stop this as any other method has already been proven to fail :/ I'm just a bit worried about people seeing news like this and figuring, well it's about to be over and done with, so no more need for social distancing. It already seemed that a lot of people had put the goal post for November while experts warn this will go on into 2022.

In other depressing news

Researchers looked at the medical records of 69 million people in the United States between January 20 and August 1. The data included 62,000 people who contracted COVID-19, as part of what the authors described as the largest study so far on links between coronavirus and mental health challenges.

In the three months following testing positive for COVID-19, almost one in five survivors (18%) were found to get a psychiatric diagnosis. This is about twice as likely as for other groups of patients with different illnesses and conditions analyzed as part of the study over the same period.

New records here today, again. Manitoba is going back into lock down on Thursday, while the PM is calling on all provinces to act now. In Ontario we're faffing about with some rather meaningless restrictions waiting for the ICU to fill up.

Oh I definitely don't mean to ever give the impression that it'll all be over soon, and we definitely need to continue with things like social distancing and masks that reduce the spread of the disease for some time to come.

I just also try to focus on positive developments because I find focusing too much on the negatives isn't good for my mental health. As awful as the situation is now in many countries, with multiple promising vaccines looking to start rollout in the first half of 2021 and treatments having improved drastically since the onset of the pandemic, at least it's not all bad news.