Hiku said:
I figured they would be injected with Covid? Because there are people who volunteer for that. But I'm also skeptical about this 90% rate for a different reason. So if that's the case here, and it's only effective for a month or two, it's going to be near useless I imagine. |
It's not as cut and dried as that; antibodies naturally diminish over time as they're no longer needed once an infection is cleared; what's more important to lasting immunity are Memory T Cells and B Cells as these last much much longer and 'remember' past pathogens so that a fast and effective immune response can be mounted if it is ever encountered again.
It's still not quite clear how long Acquired Immunity lasts for COVID, including after vaccination, but there is some evidence for lasting and durable immunity thanks to these memory cells.
Last edited by curl-6 - on 09 November 2020