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Bofferbrauer2 said:
GProgrammer said:

That can't be correct, Lots of people on these forums say 3rd parties are doing great on the Switch

Those that released are doing very well. The problem isn't their sales performance, but the number of titles.

The publishers, possibly wary from the Wii U flop, were very slow to make the Switch to the new platform. As a result, the number of games from the AA/AAA publishers is quite low, though that's changing and we're getting a steady flow of new announcements now.

You can also see that well in the COMG! thread, where the PS4 had the majority of spots in the preorder chart until recently, but now, Switch finally took the lead, both in the number of titles and in the number of current total preorders per platform.

And if we take into account the typical development cycle of a game of 3-4 years, its very, VERY likely that games that were started to be made when it was obvious switch was going to sell very VERY well are coming in next year.

combined with NINTENDO proabably coming off the same cycle next year for dev teams that developed games for year 1-2 switch games, next year has the potential to be one of the best years for switch yet in terms of software PLUS a proabale switch pro, might just potentially just overshadowing the ps5, at least in japan.

best case scenario, we'd have pokemon remake+BOTW2+metriod prime 4+DQ12+new 3d mario+MHR... in a single. year. thats easily double this year's software sales.