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JRPGfan said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
So this piece of shit knew he was infected and was doing meetups to get campaign funds? Family didnt want a mask on debate, he is such a fucking disgusting pig...

I just read this bit of news too.

"WEDS mid-day Trump tests positive

WEDS afternoon Attends fundraiser + rally in MN

THURS Goes to NJ golf club, meets with 18 donors in indoor roundtable without masks.
WH sources later say he appears tired.

FRI 1am: News breaks that Trump tests positive"

"Dr. Conley indicated Trump received monoclonal antibody treatment Thurs morning, indicating he may have met with donors while being treated. What's more, per @drsanjaygupta, drs must have applied for compassionate use for monoclonal treatment hours earlier." - Derek Thompson  (writer for the atlantic, news papir)

Trump KNEW he had covid19, and still went to meet with people at a fundraiser, and a rally.
He went golfing, and again met with 18 more donors (indoors, without masks)

He just gives zero fu**s if he infects or kills others with it.

Stuff like this is why its hard to give him any sympathy, now that he tested positive for Covid19.

Well that is really fucked up if true. Ill wait a bit more to get confirmation, but thats just not ok.