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JWeinCom said:
super_etecoon said:
Seems to me we have a few users suffering from prosopagnosia. I didn't play the first one and just came into the other thread that mentioned the remaster and instantly identified Tom Holland and didn't realize that Tom had been used as the model for the first game. Of course, that was just me not realizing that the Peter Parker model had been changed for the remaster. Those of you saying he doesn't look like Holland, ok...maybe they didn't exactly capture Tom Holland, but I'd chalk that up to them having tried and failed to get it exactly right rather than them just randomly designing a character that looks almost exactly like Tom Holland.

Source on holland being the model?

But assuming if he was, then that's kind of the problem. It's like the Avengers game. When they look sort of like the MCU actors, but not like them, it's an uncanny valley effect where it just looks off. Better for them to just look totally distinct.

I'm sorry if my stream-of-consciousness explanation for how I interpreted the images was vague or misleading.  I don't mean at all that Holland was the model. I just meant that based on the image (of the remaster) I had mistakenly thought that Holland must have been the model for the original game.  Again, I've never played Spiderman or really even watched any video or viewed any images.  It was just my way of saying, even without the context of this thread, my mind instantly went to Holland.

And yes, for those saying that it doesn't look like Holland. It doesn't look "exactly" like him, which has more to do with the limitations of development and not the intent of the developer.