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SanAndreasX said:
Soundwave said:

Sony has been trying to block Final Fantasy from other platforms since 1996, lets be honest. They just don't have enough money to force Square-Enix to do it outright so they do it bit by bit. I also think they privately try and get designers like Nomura to be actively anti-non-Playstation platform too. They've been doing this stuff for ages. 

The only thing the PS1 + PS2 eras taught Sony was to win you bully your way to the top by locking out content from competing platforms. The only problem with that for them is Microsoft if motivated to do so can play that game a lot better than they can. 

Yeah... no. That's a load of complete rubbish, sorry.

Sony didn't have to bully Square into doing anything. The PlayStation line has always been their top choice. The PS1 was the only successful console with a CD-ROM drive. The N64 had cartridges, the Saturn simply failed. The PS2 had a userbase that dwarfed the Xbox and Gamecube combined. The Xbox's sales in Japan were Virtual Boy levels of awful, and the system was a modest success at best in the US, so there was no incentive for Square Enix to bring FFX or FFXII to Xbox. They did bring Final Fantasy to the 360, and despite the fact that the 360 had a larger userbase in the US, the PS3 version far outsold the 360 version in both Japan and the United States. Then the PS4 ended up winning heavily out of the gate against the X1, and the PS4 version of XV left the X1 version in the dust. So no, there is no grand conspiracy afoot here.

Square did gladly accept an investment from Sony in the 1990s, one that helped them bring The Spirits Within to the screen through Sony Pictures, whatever the final box office outcome might have been. 

The Saturn bit is not true, when the decision to put FF7 on Playstation was made the Saturn was actually outselling the Playstation in Japan. Sony bought their way into keeping that off the Saturn. 

The deals for FFX, GTA3, MGS2 were announced even before the GCN/XBox launched, again Sony paid ahead of time to lock those out from other systems. 

It took the XBox 360 to finally shake FF exclusivity and I bet MS had to work Square's ass for a long time to get that to happen.

Of course FF will sell better on the Playstation when Sony has a history of locking it off from other userbases. 

So no, I don't feel particularly bad for Sony that Microsoft is now knocked them on their ass. What goes around, comes around.