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Ka-pi96 said:
GoOnKid said:

I admit I phrased that bad very badly. I should have added right at the beginning that I prefer turn-based battles myself in general and that we might just have to deal with that. I just don't believe that Final Fantasy will ever be going back to turn-based battles, but that doesn't necessarily has to be a bad thing.

If, like me, the gameplay is the reason you liked the Final Fantasy series though then it definitely is a bad thing. The graphics have never been a selling point for me, I just want them to be adequate, they don't need to be exceptional. So I'm going to criticise it because this doesn't look like what I expect from an FF game. Disagreeing is fine, but it pisses me off when people trying to sweep criticism like mine under the rug.

Plus, I don't even hate action RPGs. I quite like some in fact. It's not what I want for Final Fantasy, but I'm not anti-action RPGs. Let's be honest though, recent FF games have had a bunch of gameplay issues aside from the battle system anyway. I don't know how the FF7 remake was since it hasn't released on PC yet (and I have other issues with that game that would probably prevent me buying it until either it's on sale or all parts have been released even if it had) so I haven't played it, but it seems like people were pretty positive about it at least.

For me, the gameplay is indeed one main reason why I like these games. All games in the series have always been a little bit addictive, especially after IV. They all have an exciting gameplay loop that keeps on pushing you forward, and I like that a lot. However, I'm open enough to allow tweaks and changes here and there. In some way I actually expect them to make changes, since the series has always been changing constantly.

I haven't played FFVIIR either, I am going to wait for the complete experience, whenever that may be. No way they wouldn't release a collection of all three games, after all it's SE we're talking about. I think you've said that you like FFX the most, haven't you? Is that like the game that every other FF has to measure itself against in your mind, or?