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curl-6 said:
JWeinCom said:

Colin Moriarty is consistently a dumbass. Pretty certain he said the 3DS would fail, in large part due to the Vita, so another one for this list.


"Vita will be pitted against the Nintendo 3DS. But the comparison doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and even if you were to pit them against each other, Vita is still destined to sell better. That's because in addition to games (which Nintendo 3DS is still sorely lacking), it's also a much more powerful machine capable of doing a whole lot more than 3DS."

Both the 3ds and vita were failing out of the gate.

THe difference was that nintendo literally did EVERYTHING to save the 3ds, in fact, I susupect the Wii U suffered in its first year becasue nintendo was so focused on saving the 3ds, while sony left the vita dead in the water.