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The problem with this movie is that actual pedophiles now have a legal movie they can watch to get their fix. Like what they hell. I'll never watch this shit movie but this just seems like content for pedos to watch rather than anything else. I hope no other movie like this gets made. I don't want pedos to have legal movies to watch on Netflix or any other service. And I don't think 11 or 12 or 13 year olds can give consent to film makers to film their private parts so in that sense it's kinda disgusting and amoral on the filmmakers part and even maybe grounds for legal action. I mean just hunk about the actors and what they'll think about it 10 years down the line? The entire damn movie is just bad news. The film makers spent hours making a movie that has scenes with closeups of kids private parts and them doing weird dance moves that provides legal content for predophiles to watch. The FBI and agencies around the world should watch out for people who keep rewatching this movie too many damn times..I can't believe who thought this was a good idea.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also