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Finding myself in need of something more to predict tonight, and having already predicted the outcome of this election here, I figured I'd forecast how the Trump-Biden debates will go. Here's an approximation of what the contents will be:

BIDEN: I love America! Americans can do anything! *other banal Americanisms*

TRUMP: Dementia Sleepy Joe Biden and his radical communist Democrat Party want to destroy law and order, abolish the police, let low-income people move to the suburbs, he hates the blacks, the blacks love me. But they are Antifa, they want open borders, and they want you to live through the coronavirus!

BIDEN: America wants leadership on..on on this virus. I am getting rid of this virus! One, I would...

TRUMP: Under me, America is #1 in coronavirus. Under you we'd be last! The world will be laughing at us! People are saying that you murdered your son Beau. I'm not saying that, people are saying it. People are saying it!

BIDEN: Come on, man!...

ETC. Something like that. Watch and see.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 15 August 2020