I was curious about the excess deaths in Germany and looked into the raw data of the official statistic:
Until the end of June we had ~9000 covid-19-related deaths but only ~5000 excess deaths... so ~4000 people less died of other illnesses:
Especially surprising is the age group of 75 - 80... in spite of covid-19, ~4500 less of them died in the first half year compared to the year before.
Are families and nursing homes giving extra care to that age group due to the pandemic? Are they more cautious themselves? Or was last year a bad flu year for that age group?
Also less people in all age groups below 55 died less than last year... which could indicate a good health system. Most excess deaths were in the age group above 80 years, as expected.
That said, I'm worried about the next months. People are getting careless. I wanted to go swimming this week, but when I arrived at the public swimming pool there was a huge queue of ~150 people outside waiting to get entry.
Inside the public swimming pool they have strict rules to keep distance and most people stick to that. But outside in the line they waited 2 - 3 feet apart and NO ONE was wearing a mask. Probably some returners of other EU countries were among them. Then I decided to not risk it and drove home.
Last edited by Conina - on 09 August 2020