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IcaroRibeiro said:

@SpokenTruth and @JRPGfan

Sure. Keep it under control until a vaccine is the absolute right thing to do

I just don't think it's realistic to expect people staying in their homes for one year until we get a vaccine. Soon or later new waves of the virus will appear. Some kind of events like soccer games or concerts might still being closed, but people should be allowed to at least start working in offices again

Besides, the point is impose a severe region-specific lockdown as soon as a new outbreak pop up. In Australia they will close Melbourne for 6 weeks before the virus spread to the rest of country when they still under 1k new cases a day.

And of course interstate travelling should be banned for quite a while

This is what every government should do. It worked really well on China. I'm sure it will work in Australia too

You don't need to stay in your home, but people do need to stop partying and traveling for non essential reasons. Mask use and physical distancing works to keep Rt under 1, however only if the entire population co-operates. It keeps flaring up because people keep flaunting the new 'rules' and 'need' to go on holiday, eat in restaurants, go to bars, clubs and house parties.

All we're seeing now is still without schools thanks to the summer holiday which also keeps people more outside which is 10x more safe than inside. (eating out on a patio instead of inside a restaurant). This was the time to get the active cases (infectious people) down to close to nothing to have a good chance going into fall with school re-openings (in a safe manner, not this full capacity hope for the best re-opening)

Fall is coming, new flu season is coming, people will spend more time indoors, schools are coming back and the number of infected people is increasing again. Europe is back to end of May numbers atm, so yep they had a 2 month lull but unfortunately now heading into back to school in a bad way.

Regional lock downs aren't that effective since they are usually imposed too late and essential travel still has to keep going in and out of the area. It will work in the area but the seeds still spread to create the next regional lock down and so forth, keeping the fire burning perpetually. South Korea seems to be the only one to be managing the 'dance' part of the virus curve, keeping the cases under 50 a day with a few deaths per week. New Zealand stomped it out and is managing to keep the border tightly closed. Australia was doing well but now has already more deaths than from their initial out break :(

Locally I don't know what's going to happen. Numbers here are distorted again because of another 3-day weekend. 3rd day below 100 for Ontario, yep cause a lot of people went traveling, too busy recreating to check for health and go get tested. Plus testing centers also work less on holidays. For my county I now get this "The specified URL cannot be found." hopefully just a temporary glitch. August will be the month that decides how back to school (start September) will go. Many counties do have face mask by-laws implemented, yet phase 3 (non essential stuff) is now in effect province wide since last Friday.

We've had the easy part, the shock getting people to co-operate, the warm summer getting people outside, the schools closed for summer holiday after closing them to stop the spread, lot of work places closed for holiday anyway. Now comes the hard part, reserves are gone, people need money again to pay the bills, kids need to go back to school, virus is still very active.

Ah, the link is working again, no new cases locally but does this make me feel better? ...
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Last edited by SvennoJ - on 06 August 2020