IcaroRibeiro said: Europeans How is the current situation of your country? Are services totally open? Are services partially closed? And events? |
Here in Luxembourg:
Events are closed, gatherings of more than 20 persons are forbidden.
Most services are open, though during this part of the year many companies are closed anyway (collective holiday in the construction and related sectors during the 3 first weeks of August, and many other companies also close doors for the duration as immigrant workers travel to their families abroad and Luxembourgers generally go on holiday), so it's very quiet either way.
This leaflet says it all at the moment. However, due to the rise in cases in the last weeks this may change again soon (though cases are starting to drop again):
And here you can see the evolution of the cases and related data in Luxembourg: https://msan.gouvernement.lu/en/graphiques-evolution.html#sg
The Nintendo eShop rating Thread: http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=237454 List as Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aW2hXQT1TheElVS7z-F3pP-7nbqdrDqWNTxl6JoJWBY/edit?usp=sharing
The Steam/GOG key gifting thread: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread/242024/the-steamgog-key-gifting-thread/1/
Free Pc Games thread: https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread/248138/free-pc-games/1/