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CGI-Quality said:
Two things wrong with bringing up the Killzone trailer. A. ONE executive tried to pass it off as gameplay (Sony themselves never said it was). B. When the true game was shown, people were still impressed (very, in fact). C. The final game not only looked better, but some things about it actually cleared the original prerendered target.

This is, for all intents an purposes, not a slight to Halo at all, which leads me to my next point...

Being that this was unnecessary to begin with, please stay the course people. No need to derail the thread and "take bait". Nothing wrong with ciomparing like-for-like situations, but don't try to "get" someone by just picking to pick.

The reason I said 'ccccombo breaker' to that post about the Killzone trailer was that I liked how it introduced a new discussion point to the table. That point being that, what's worse? A gameplay demo that's underwhelming or a faux gameplay trailer that overlays its hand? We've seen countless times games that get a serious downgrade after the marketing and end up pissing people off (see: Watch_Dogs). I'd rather have a Halo Infinite gameplay demo that's underwhelming but actually represents the quality of the game (See: Fallout 4) than what we got with Killzone and Watch_Dogs. 

Just a nice little twist on the narrative here. Maybe that wasn't even what he meant by the Killzone trailer, but that's what I took away from it.

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