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Manlytears said:
curl-6 said:

I couldn't do it; just tried it with my PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers and it got uncomfortable for me in under a minute.

Plus I can't think of a single game where I'd need to anyway.

okay, something that works for me may not work for you, there’s no single answer here, it’s a matter of preference. Also, did you try with a Xbox360 controller!?? Like "Xclaw"? "Xclaw" is extremely different and, Imho, truly strange since you use the index on the analog and the transition between "Standard" and "xclaw" is quite awkward and inaccurate.

Just look, it just feels wrong to me using index on Analog stick:

About games that can make good use of claw grip. I mentioned some, and i even posted a video showing the use of claw grip in Devil May Cry, should I assume that you are not a familiar whit any of the games i mentioned? Dark souls, boodborne, Horizon zero dawn, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry, Nioh, prety much any game that uses D-pad to select itens/weapons/skills...

In games like those I simply never found it a problem to just quickly switch my thumb to the D-Pad and back or between the right stick and face buttons.