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My favorite would be a new "Prince of Persia" game (series 1989 - 2010)... we had the last proper one a decade ago!

Assassin's Creed has some similarities and the first AC was planned as a PoP game (Price of Persia: Assassins), but that ain't the same.

Of course Assassin's Creed is a much stronger brand today... so a way to bring PoP back could be an "Assassin's Creed: Persia" next year. It would be the same time period as Valhalla (both 9th century), which would allow some story connections. The location could be Baghdad, the world's largest city in 900 AD. Many side quests could be bases on 1001 nights stories, f. e. a thief called Aladin as mission character.

The Prince of Persia content would be in the big season pass DLC (which doesn\\\'t has to be AC canon) with game mechanics much closer to a PoP game. And if that gets popular to the younger AC audience, a full-fledged PoP game could be next.


My second favorite would be a new "Splinter Cell" game (series 2002 - 2013). With raytracing-consoles and raytracing-PCs, hiding in the dark could be awesome again.

On third place would be a new "Rayman" game (series 1995 - 2013). Maybe in 3D again, similar to the Crash Bandicoot games (so a narrow path, no open world).

So which would be your Ubisoft favorites?