GoldenHand80 said: It's not Naughty Dog's agenda, it's basically Neil Druckmann's agenda and now that he's become vice president of ND he started painting ND with his sociopolitical views. I don't really care about his own views, he can believe in whatever he wants to believe in. What I do mind is forcing those views in any video game. The vast majority of people play video games to escape from the boring reality. No one wants to see or hear the same controversial stuff they see on tv every single day in a video game. So yes I do believe he is ruining ND and he really should stop or be stopped. |
You really don't understand the core concept of art, do you? Or you do and you don't believe videogames are art. Either way, anyone saying 'I don't want political agendas being forced into my media' are not the kind of people with their finger on the pulse, if you know what I'm talking about.
And yeah, a lot of people do play video games to escape boring reality. that's why we have shit like Call of Duty and Battlefield and sports games and racing games. We have a LOT of games for escapism and there's nothing wrong with that...but if you genuinely think The Last of US was about escapism then clearly you weren't paying attention. Hell, you can't even say Naughty dog is pushing beliefs becuase one of their game franchises - Uncharted - is pure escapism pulp fantasy.
So what you're really saying is that you don't respect the artistry involved because it's just a game and therefore not art and shouldn't have a message, or it is okay to have a message, but only as long as it agrees with your ideals.
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