DonFerrari said:
Runa216 said: You know, disregarding the toxic discussion happening in this thread I have to ask: Why is it a bad thing to have an agenda? Most art does. Most artists have intentions when they create their art. If they choose to use their medium to help with trans/lesbian representation, I don't see how that's a bad thing at all. The only people who have a problem with that are bigots. If they choose to make a story about the nature of revenge and how it consumes you, then so be it. If they think that killing off a character makes sense in the context of the story, then that's their right as artists. IF they make you play as the bad guy/girl, then that's an interesting commentary on multiple viewpoints.
Getting angry about any of this shows more about the maturity of the lot of you than the quality of the game. You're perfectly entitled to be angry about these things, but just know that you don't get to also be pissed off when someone is critical of you in turn. Either criticism is allowed on both sides of the debate or it's not. You can't just cherry-pick what's convenient for you and get bent out of shape when something doesn't cater to your tastes.
And you really, really shouldn't be stirring up shit because a company has an agenda and is making moves to actively add inclusiveness in their stories. If you are, then it shows you're just not a good person and don't deserve to have your regressive, immature voice heard. I know that's not where this thread has been for most of its duration, but we all know damn well that like 90% of the hate this game gets is 'but lesbian! but (potential) trans woman! Bah! I hate it when companies try to push their SJW agenda!' |
For me the only real issue with having an agenda is the same as being a fanboy or similar. Not being open with it or trying to deny you have.
If someone tell me he is a Xbox fanboy or an avocate for LGBTQI+ I'll take their opinion or facts at face value and may agree or not and will just discuss it. If a person say is neutral or similar but it is very clear that is a lie I know that the points are actually pretension so I can't take it at face value and have to double think on the intentions.
this is nothing like fanboyism. this isn't something superficial and stupid like preferring Marvel over DC or vice versa. This is literally a matter of normalizing things and making people's lives better. It's about ensuring marginalized groups aren't ostracized to the point of depression or suicide or that they aren't stigmatized enough to inspire murder or assault.
This isn't some game analogy. This is real life, and that's where the difference lies. Politics are important becuase they literally are life-altering changes to people in need. So I repeat: what's bad about having a political agenda, especially when that agenda is 'normalizing LGBT+ members of the community for the sake of making them feel respected and included'?
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