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Luxembourg's politicians are tightening the laws a bit due to Covid, specifically about the number of people at gatherings.

See, after the reopening on June 5, many people thought that the best course of action was to celebrate with friends and family. That was of course before the mass testing really started rolling and finding some sleeping viruses in asymptomatic cases. The result: we just had a week with about 50 new cases each day due to the virus spreading at those gatherings.

So now, those gatherings are now forced to be a bit smaller and rarer.

Also a big shout-out to our police, patrolling every day making sure that visitors and bartenders both follow the rules on social distancing, mask wearing and closing hours. Every day some patron seems to be unwilling to follow the rules in their pub or café. Of course under those circumstances the virus can never be beaten unless these locations can be closed down for the time being.