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Immersiveunreality said:
Runa216 said:

Exactly, complacency only helps the oppressor and when wrong but easy answers carry easier than complicated but correct answers, it's important to take actions to educate and inform. Again, not doing anything only helps the ones who are actively oppressing others. 

But you are not really taking actions to do something good for others,you educate no one and just repeat what the recievers already know, you give the haters the attention they seek and even worse is that you potentionally can take the control away from those that are justified of having control over it and that are able to actually do something helpfull for the VICTIM(you know,the one that should hold some more importance over your virtue) .

Why is every response of yours to me some variation on how terrible it is to be proactive? 

"You jump to conclusions" you say, where I'm seeing patterns and nipping them in the bud before the heinous shit starts. Every time you respond to me, send me a PM, or otherwise interact with me, you're lecturing me on how I'm the bad guy or not helping because I feel the need to be proactively progressive, like that's a bad thing. Why do you have a problem with forward motion and progress? why do you want to stifle preventative measures? why do you work so hard to devalue hard work just because it's done preemptively? 

What? do you think we should all just ignore shit and wait till someone's dead to do anything? 

Oh, wait. that happened, and now look where we are. 

Please, for the love of fuck, stop trying to villainize me because I believe in taking action before it's too late. 

(For anyone other than ImmersiveUnreality who's confused about my post here, just know that he's PMed me in the past, wrote on my wall, and regularly posts things in response to me saying the above sorts of things. My response here is less in response JUST to what he's said here and more an overall reaction to a blossoming pattern I've seen in his responses to me. There's clearly a pattern of him trying to act like I'm misreading people's intentions and that I shouldn't jump to conclusions when I see the same bullshit talking points and subtle hate speech that is so prevalent lately.) 

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