Mummelmann said:
Don't know about plenty, it's hardly the norm and the ones with more tone are typically short. A tall, heavy female IPF lifter with good definition is truly rare (my only known example would have to be Canadian lifter Jessica Buettner, she's about 70-75 kg's most of the time but only about 170 cm tall, or 5'7"). My main gripe was with the example you provided, that one is quite clearly on the juice.
I'm not saying it's implausible that a woman like Abby exists, even in the apocalypse, not at all. What I'm saying is that she would likely be on gear to become that bulky, especially since it's unlikely you'll find fully-equipped 24-hour gyms around the corner in a post-apocalyptic city. As I mentioned, I know a lot of women who are just as bulky, and even more so, but they all have something in common (ownership of a surprising amount of needles). I used to hang out in the fitness/BB/Strongman/Strongwoman environment some years ago (I briefly tried to compete in Strongman myself). I also trained with IPF lifter between 2008-2011, a few of the girls were crazy strong but didn't have very bulky or defined upper bodies.

The girl above is one from my old club grounds, Norwegian national champion (Marte Elverum) and two times winner of Junior World's in the IPF, she weighs about 70 kg's but is only 164 cm tall so her frame looks broader, she's incredibly strong in the deadlift. To sport similar-looking mass on what appears to be probably about or just under 6' - or 182'ish centimeters (for Abby) would be incredibly rare, especially without "special" supplements. The girl pictured above (Miss Elverum) trains 5-6 times per week, varying from 2 hours and up to 2,5 or even 3 hours per session, depending on where she is in the season, and she's coached by the national team's head coach with staff at that and has access to every training-related implement and locale known to man.
Once more; big and strong women exist, and I know many, but Zoombael's claim that Abby would likely be on the juice to get that frame on that height is very much valid, which was the point to begin with, not whether or not tall, bulky females exist.