I get why nobody wanted to see Joel die, and that probably sparked a lot of the SJW nonsense. But for a sequal to a game with such a definitive ending, I think part 2 is actually extremely well written. It showed many different sides of the world of TLOU. The consequences of Joel's actions from part 1, but also why he would have done the same thing if he could do it all over again. Imo seeing two different sides was an amazing idea and it really had an impact on me. I mean I felt pretty terrible when I found Abby's dog lying in a pool of blood, while as Ellie it was just another random attack dog you killed without giving it a second thought.
But whether you think the story is good or not, it's still an incredible game. To me its strange that some are so worked up about the story without even mentioning how big a leap the gameplay and scope of the game is compared to part 1.
I do get why people are so irritated by this whole SJW thing we've been seeing in movies lately. It's not about being insecure about your masculinity or some BS like that, its about ruining old or making bad movies just to force diversity onto people. It's just weird. Why would anyone not be able to enjoy a movie or a game because they can't relate to the main character? Can I relate to Thor, the god of thunder, just because he is a male and has the same skin color as me? Did Tomb Raider flop because 95% of the gaming audience couldn't relate to the main character? Nobody cares what race or sex a character is, as long as it doesn't feel forced and made a big thing off. But yeah when we had the whole female cast of Star Wars with "the force is female" doing a press conference, then I get how that can rub fans the wrong way.
Last edited by goopy20 - on 28 June 2020