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Runa216 said:
Immersiveunreality said:

I honestly feel sorry for you that you need to think like this,always the worst possible assumption about people and i do think you do not even have the best experience to make those assumptions.

Did you have to deal with racism and sexism or maybe do you speak out of anger and hate or guilt and reflect your own wrong thinking of the past upon others and the assumption is that others are like your past self?

Why in the world do you feel the need to constantly berate me for being too cynical or not giving people the benefit of the doubt? I spent the last 30 years giving people the benefit of the doubt in most cases, and when it comes to shitty, bigoted, ignorant, backwater bullshit arguments about progress and tolerance I'm always shown to be naive about it. When it comes to issues of representation in the media, equality, and social progress, I've learned that 90% of the time people are just closet bigots trying to justify their beliefs by any means necessary. 

The funny thing is that I grew up in Canada, where even conservative Christian types were weirdly okay with gay/trans/bi people. I grew up in a community where they were very similar to American republicans without any of the bigotry. It wasn't until the internet happened to me and I met Americans that I realized that...holy shit prejudice is still a thing and its hiding in plain view. Bigotry like this - where people will bend over backwards to justify their own narratives just so they can be offended by inclusion - is the worst kind because it's masquerading as reason when it's got nothing of the sort fuelling it. 

I'm so vigilant against 'subtle bigotry' because I'm sick of terrible people getting away with racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia by hiding behind whatever the excuse du jour is. "Oh, we're just keeping bloodlines pure" has turned to "I just don't want pandering media companies pushing propaganda". What used to be "We just want to keep the races separate" has become "We don't want them making our kids gay". 


I'm not going to pretend that this subtle, low-key bigotry isn't real becuase it makes you uncomfortable or because you don't personally have to deal with it or were too sheltered to see that it's a very real issue that needs to be addressed and complacency is NOT the way to fix it. 

First/sec bolded: because i think you are shoving together a lot of good meaning people with the bigots while doing nothing constructive outside of pretending to be a good person,you say but don't act or learn from your own teachings.If there are actually any bigots then you yourself will never change them with behaving like this and all that is left is ''subtle''(cough) selfpraising and you might keep doing that till the world goes under while solving shit.How you behave comes close to extremism.

Third bolded: I'm 35 year old and had to deal with racism all of my life while being autistic,while other kids had a happy life i mostly cried myself to sleep.I used to be very hatefull for a long time and generalized people the same way as you do but i'm so thankfull i got over it and accepted i was wrong and only selfdestructive.

You are also bringing the focus and attention towards negatives in what could be a thread about a game.

Last edited by Immersiveunreality - on 28 June 2020