KLXVER said:
How are they treated? You know they live in a world that isnt all sunshine and rainbows, right? Should they all get a heroic send-off or ride into the sunset and live happily ever after? I dont know. I like darker subject matters more than others I guess. I like it when things arent predictable or are tied up in a nice bow for me to feel all fuzzy inside. TLOU2 kept surprising me with the narrative. I know people will say that it was all made just to manipulate the feelings of the player. That may be true in some instances, but Im not sure why this is the game that broke the camels back on that. Thats usually what entertainment in general does. I just think people are being a bit harsh on this game. I think it was a breath of fresh air tbh. |
The first TLOU was dark as well, but here was an element of hope and innocence with Joel and Ellie navigating the world and their respective histories together. The sequel takes that whole dynamic away right at the beginning and what's left is just misery and torture porn with no hope of anything better or redemption of any kind. I like dark, that's not the problem but there's so many ways they could have gone with the story, it could have been so much more meaningful and it's actually hard to come up with something worse than what they did.