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Trumpstyle said:

Is Sweden finally beating Germany? If you guys follow the news, Germany R number is above 2 while Swedens is below 1.

"The coronavirus reproduction rate in Germany jumped to 2.88 on Sunday, up from 1.79 a day earlier, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for public health said"

"RKI said outbreaks have been reported in nursing homes and hospitals, institutions for asylum seekers and refugees, in meat processing plants and logistics companies, among seasonal harvest workers and in connection with religious events and family gatherings."


Swedens R number is 0.94 according to our goverment:


This is interesting as I remember reading twitter, where there were a study saying if 60% of people use a face mask it will keep the R number below 1. Now Germans has great discipline (Empire was based on them) so it's very unlikely that less than 60% of the German people are not using face masks, more likely 99% of them are using face masks.

Ofc we need to w8 and see what the R number for Germany will be this week.

Sometimes I wonder if you don't know or don't want to know that we don't wear face masks everywhere so that even if they work, we can obviously still infect each other as much except for where we wear them. 

But just because we have increasing numbers now doesn't mean that face masks didn't prevent numbers to be even higher. 

We have like 1400 new infection in one slaughterhouse alone. People who all live together in some fucked up buildings. And refugees don't run around with face masks in their accommodations and so on...

But that doesn't mean that the chance that I infect other people in a grocery store isn't smaller if I have a face mask so that I don't spit on other people while talking.

It's just one small part to fight Covid and it's also not a big deal to wear a mask for such a short time per week.