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Great thread. We need more of those news.

We also get positive news every year when climate change predictions expire without happening. We're supposed to have total lack of food, massive lack of water, many countries underwater by the 00's.

According to a Guardian article, Britain would have a Siberian climate in 2020. Other article stated that the Artic would be ice-less by 2018. Al Gore said in 2008 that in 10 years the ice polar cap would be gone. It's 2020 and it's still there :)

You can read all the positive info here:

Last edited by 0D0 - on 04 June 2020

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?