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LudicrousSpeed said:
goopy20 said:

I never said I had a problem with just better graphics. I mean isn't more immersion the whole point of next gen consoles? Having the same graphics we're seeing now but in native 4k and 60fps is a different story, though. That's the difference with that Unreal demo and Series X's first look at next gen games. One is build specifically to push and showcase the ps5 capabilities at 30fps/ 1440p (what I've been saying for months should be the standard next gen), while MS only showed current gen graphics that scale to 4k/ 60fps on Series X. 

Now I'm sure the tech demo could run on Series X as well, but only if it was designed exclusively to push Series X to its limits and not if it also had to run on Xone. My whole issue with MS's strategy is that pushing the Series X's hardware isn't their main goal. Instead, they're going with a cross gen (smart delivery) strategy and want to reach as broad an audience as possible. Maybe I'm totally wrong and MS will surprise me in July, but I highly doubt it as they've been pretty open about their vision for next gen. I'm guessing we'll be seeing a lot of "optimized for Series X" logos during their 1st party showcase that will look nowhere close to that unreal tech demo. I'm also guessing Sony will have games that are designed to push next gen visuals with a much higher wow factor, not because Sony has the better hardware or better studios, it's simply because they have different strategies. And for anyone interested in next gen visuals, MS's approach kinda sucks.

You made a ton of posts about how next gen is about more than better graphics and how it should be about new experiences not possible on previous hardware and how Microsoft was ruining that by supporting cross gen for a year max. This tech demo offered nothing new gameplay wise and was just better graphics and that’s fine by you? Bizarre. If that’s all it takes then all your worrying about XSX was for naught. They can crank up the graphics to 11 on any title regardless of cross gen or not.

They had a showcase for third party content. Where are you getting this idea that they’re pushing Smart Delivery and not focusing on the XSX hardware. If that were true then what is the point of smart delivery lol

I never said that man. I said games like Infamous SS and Shadowfall were true next gen game. Maybe they weren't great games but they did a good job showing the leap from ps3, and at the very least, were good promotion for a next gen console. As I said, true next gen games don't need an explanation why they can't be on current gen, the graphics should speak for itself. That's not the same as cross gen titles running at a higher res/ framerate on next gen consoles. I mean, why do you think people are far more excited about next gen after seeing the Unreal demo than any of the "optimized for Series X" games?

We already know MS is not focusing on pushing the Series X hardware because Phil Spencer has straight out told us so lol. They're being all consumer friendly, making all their 1st party games cross gen, so people aren't "forced" to upgrade, remember?