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SvennoJ said:
LurkerJ said:

Seems like you've been through a lot as a family, sorry to hear. And yes, COVID19 is highly associated with clotting events, the two are tightly related that blood thinners are being given prophetically for in-patients. 

Like you, I also had a sore throat before the madness started, and it didn't feel similar to previous episodes of sore throats. 

Same, that's why I still remember it so well. It wouldn't go away and didn't feel like any other sore throat events (which are usually over in 3 days when i get one) Yet Februari, winter time, flu season, didn't think much of it back then and was only concerned for my wife.

It's funny that THC/CBD is now associated with helping against covid19. I use some daily for sleeping and my wife for chronic pain. Perhaps that staved off the worst if it was covid19. (Not smoking, oil extracts and home baking)

Last night I entered all my wife's symptoms from early Februari in the self assessment tool and didn't need to progress beyond the second page to set alarm bells ringing... Who knows...

Funny you would mention CBD.... Just earlier today I was reading more about it and it felt like something I could use to help me sleep better. Did some Googling but I wasn't a fan of the prices. Also it was hard to find a brand that's popular because of quality and not advertising through affliate programs. With that said, I didn't know CBD helps against COVID? Interesting. 

Yes, your wife seems to have had a classic picture of severe corona virus infection. A friend tells me they've been seeing an uptick of unusual pnemonia with low oxygen levels and PEs since early January. Who knows indeed, antibody blood test is your best bet. 

I wonder what long term effects this virus may end up causing, for example, kissing disease virus can increase the likelyhood for malignancies decades after the infection. Not that I am worried or anything, just curious lol