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I watched Skyfall after a lengthy break from our rewatch. This'll get an 8 from me.

I loved this initially, then was a little less impressed on second viewing. It's gone back up in my estimations this time though. It's gripping for the duration, and doesn't feel too long despite running over two hours. There's some wonderful scenery and shots (particularly the fight in Shanghai). Bardem makes for a great villain and his interactions with both Bond and M are interesting and involving. There's great chemistry between Bond and Moneypenny too. I do think Craig sounds a bit stilted and awkward with one or two of his lines, but is good overall. Theme song is decent. Like Quantum before, Bond somehow defies death with that plunge from the train at the start. Not sure why this bothers me in the Craig era, as there's always been ridiculous escapes and such in Bond movies, but it breaks the immersion a touch.