JRPGfan said: # Fake news? edit: yes it was fakenews. the video in question, basically says "its just a flubro", "stay at home doesnt work" "its not statistic significant if you lockdown or not" ect. video talking about it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=352&v=RCRfxQ38TXE&feature=emb_logo edit 2: ^ # fake news, 2 lieing doctors, out for profits, not careing about lives it risks.
Oh trust me, I know FOX news isn't after the truth, I don't value their 90% of the time, that doesn't mean interesting debate can't happen on MSM.
Do you have a link to the actual video in question? I wasn't able to find it. I would like to watch it.
Edit: The video you linked is actually more damning than the one I linked, and make solid arguments regarding what happened.
Have you watched it? Do you not see how problematic these blank statements made after the removal of the videos? What do you think of it?
Here, I'll embed it so it's easier to watch
Last edited by LurkerJ - on 29 April 2020