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Pemalite said: 

Absolutely not even remotely comparable.

I cared about life, property and the environment before the Coronavirus happened, protecting life is literally part of my job description, so yes, I did care about preventable deaths before this shit happened.

Good for you, you’d be surprised how many of us are on the frontline here, and how many aren’t using that as an excuse to claim moral superiority to.

Donated to charitable causes, assisted charitable causes.
I literally put my life on the line to save others on a frequent basis.

What have you done?

You still waste thousand of dollars over shit you don’t need and an overpowered PC when kids in Africa are dying of lack food. How dare you?

I probably have done more or less, it doesn’t matter because it won’t my excuse to look down on others who believe their quality of life is important. 

Do not turn this into a racial issue, that would be highly disingenuous when that hasn't even been a point of contention in this thread.
Literally don't do it. Consider it a warning.

Life going back to normal during the middle of a pandemic is going to cause more deaths.

It's a blatant fact that social distancing is a big factor in reducing virulent spread, returning things back to normal completely undermines that effort and will prolong the pain and suffering.

I haven’t turned this into a racial, but good on you for avoiding the point. Almost everyone who started to care about preventable deaths have done so because this is starting to affect people that live in close proximity to them, why are we pretending we’d still care as much of this virus was just hitting china and not our countries? 

If the virus has been defeated for weeks, then of course lockdowns can viably start to be lifted without fear of spiked cases.

Governments need to step in and help the vulnerable during this crisis so that people can stay isolated for as long as possible.

Like many others, you seem to be happy to draw the lines between being a decent human being and an asshole, and it wasn’t hard to guess that the line starts where you good deeds stop.

Here, let me a draw a line: Good for you being a charitable person, but that’s not really an accomplishment when we live in the first world. Think long and hard about the life that you’re living and how much money, time, effort you waste while people literally die of hunger. You are really not doing enough to make this world a better place and prevent famine, welcome to the club.